Latest News
Oct 1, 2019
The Cofounders of EXGwear published a seminal white paper on innovation and commercialization strategies of human-robot-interaction research. Check this out and send us feedbacks.
This white paper was based on our extensive research speaking with academic researchers, spin out startups from Universities and industry experts.
Oct 17, 2018
CEO of EXGwear presents at the AlphaLab & AlphaLab Gear Demo Day that attracted more than 800 audience this year.
Innovation Works hosted the Demo Day on 17th Oct, 2018, drawing nearly 1000 audience from the regional and national participants from startups, technology, investor and corporate ventures.
May 30, 2018
EXGwear was selected as the Top-8 Finalists to present at the ICRA-2018, Brisbane, Australia.
International Council of Robotic Automation (ICRA) conducted the Robot Launch international startup competitions at the Brisbane Conference Center, Australia on 22nd May, 2018. Ten emerging innovations and startups were selected at an international competition to present at the conference attended by industry leaders, subject experts, venture capital investors and startup founders.